Accurate and regularly updated agrochemical information
Agri-Intel provides access to critical agrochemical information required to support the legal, effective and sustainable use of agrochemicals and compliance with local and international demands regarding chemical residues.
Label information (Database)
Find specific registration information and download labels
Access is provided to the database of agrochemical products registered for use in South Africa, including insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, growth regulators, and adjuvants amongst others. The database can be searched for specific actives and tradenames, the crops and targets on which these products are registered and other information regarding their application. In addition, the latest product labels and safety data sheets can be downloaded. For more information click here.
Residue management (MRLs)
Up-to-date chemical residue information
Standardised maximum residue level (MRL) lists for the major deciduous fruit types and citrus, is available for quick download in PDF format. Customised MRL lists for specific crops can be generated and downloaded. A database containing the latest MRLs and preharvest intervals (PHIs) of a variety of crops for the local and major export markets is currently under development. For more information click here.