Terms and conditions
Accept terms and conditions
Before registering and using the services of Agri-Intel, please read and accept the Agri-Intel Terms and Conditions.
View the terms and conditions here, or contact Agri-Intel by clicking here.
CropLife South Africa, its members, staff, consultants and website developers will not be held accountable or responsible for the accuracy of the information captured and reflected in the Agri-Intel database and website, or for any results that may emanate from the use of such data (this includes data obtained from the label information and residue management sections of the website). The information stored in the database should only be used as a guideline for the selection of appropriate agricultural remedies, foliar feeds and associated products that are registered under the Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, 1947 (Act No. 36 of 1947). The information contained in Agri-Intel is subject to label instructions of all products captured in the database and only label instructions may be followed for application according to Act No. 36 of 1947 and its regulations. Agri-Intel users are strongly advised to read and follow label instructions of all products prior to use and in case of any uncertainty, the registration holders of the relevant products must be consulted for advice on application.
These Terms and Conditions can be amended and updated from time to time without notification to users. It is the user’s responsibility to verify that the information is correct. By logging into the website, the user accepts these Terms and Conditions. Agri-Intel will not be held accountable and responsible for consequences and losses which might result from users not familiarising themselves with these Terms and Conditions.